Udayana University Also Enlivens the Bali Province Development Exhibition through Talkshows and Dialogues with the Topic of Smart and Independent Campuses

In the context of implementing the 2021 Bali Province Development Virtual Exhibition with the theme "Grow and Rise in a New Era of Bali Order in accordance with Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka's Vision of Bali Through a Planned Universe Development Pattern Towards a New Era of Bali", Udayana University participated in the Talkshow and Dialogue of the Bali Province Development Exhibition. In 2021, which will be held through Zoom Meetings and broadcast via Youtube Live Streaming for the Bali Provincial Government, Sunday (15/08/2021). This talkshow presents a resource person, Prof. Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti, S.E., M.Sc., as the Head of LP3M Udayana University with the topic "Smart and Independent Campus.

This Talkshow and Dialogue activity is one of a series of the 2021 Bali Provincial Development Exhibition in the context of the 63rd Anniversary of the Province of Bali and the 76th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia by presenting speakers from representatives of the Bali Province OPD, BUMN, BUMD, Universities and Government Partners. The implementation of the Bali Province Development Exhibition this year was carried out virtually considering the Covid-19 pandemic situation.

Head of LP3M Udayana University Prof. Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti, SE, M.Si, on this occasion said that the challenge of Udayana University or higher education institutions today in general is not only the Covid-19 pandemic, but long before the pandemic itself is the disruption of technology accompanied by the entry of the industrial era. 4.0. In accordance with the topic of Smart and Independent Campuses, in this case smart in terms of utilizing existing resources, through collaborative collaboration, using communication information technology to monitor the learning process which is no less or even better than before the existence of information technology or before the Covid-19 pandemic.

At the end of the Talkshow and Development Exhibition Dialogue, an Interactive Quiz was held with attractive prizes, with 10 questions given about the material presented by the resource persons.

Let's enliven the Virtual Development Exhibition which can be accessed via the https://pameran.baliprov.go.id/ page which will take place from 14 to 23 August 2021.