Faculty of Economics and Business Unud Launches Integrity Zone Development (ZI) Towards WBK and WBBM

The Faculty of Economics and Business was appointed as a pilot unit within the Udayana University (Unud) in the Development of an Integrity Zone (ZI) towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM). The declaration of the Development of an Integrity Zone towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University took place in a hybrid (offline and online) manner, centered in the Hall of the BH FEB Building Unud Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Wednesday (4 /8/2021). This activity was also attended by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Dr. Catharina Muliana Girsang, SH., SE., MH., elements of the Government, BUMN, BUMD, the business world, agencies, university leaders, and the Unud academic community.

Rector of Unud Prof. A A. Raka Sudewi in his speech said that the activity of the Integrity Zone Declaration was a follow-up to Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2014 concerning Actions for Prevention and Eradication of Corruption and Regulation of the Minister of PAN and RB No. 52 of 2014 concerning Development of Integrity Zones Towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and Regional Governments. Clean and Serving Bureaucracy (WBBM) in Government Agencies. As a follow-up to the Government Regulation, Unud launched the development of an Integrity Zone by appointing the Faculty of Economics and Business as a pilot unit within Udayana University. To support this, the Integrity Zone Development Team Towards WBK and WBBM has been established as well as the establishment of Integrity Zone Change Agents Towards Corruption-Free Areas & Clean-Free Areas and Serves at FEB Unud. "We have appointed FEB Unud as a pilot project for the ZI WBK-WBBM development because it is considered to have good performance and is accompanied by the hope that in 2022 it can achieve the Integrity Zone predicate from the KemenPANRB. We as University leaders will always provide support to FEB Unud in order to accelerate the achievement of the predicate it," he said.

The Dean of FEB Unud Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, Ph.D who was also appointed as Chair of the Integrity Zone Development at FEB Unud, in his report said that the two directives of the Director General of Higher Education were the determination of the Rector's Decree regarding the establishment of the Faculty and the establishment of the Integrity Zone Development Team, as well as the implementation of zone socialization/internalization. integrity to all employees in the FEB Unud environment has been implemented. This time, the Integrity Zone was declared at FEB Unud, inviting print and electronic media as well as signing an Integrity Pact and an agreement to implement the Integrity Zone Development by the Leaders and all employees at FEB Unud. On this historic day and event, FEB Unud expressed its commitment to building an Integrity Zone - a Corruption-Free Area / Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area which includes 6 development areas, namely change management, governance arrangement, HR management, strengthening accountability, strengthening supervision, and improvement of public services. There are several other directions before FEB Unud can get the Integrity Zone predicate. The directive has been scheduled to be completed within the next 6-9 months, so it is highly hoped that by 2022, FEB Unud has obtained the title of Integrity Zone – WBK/WBBM. On that occasion the Dean also expressed his appreciation to the University Leaders who have trusted FEB Unud as the first work unit to be encouraged to become a pilot work unit in realizing this Integrity Zone. The Dean hopes that FEB Unud through the role of all academics and full support from all parties can become a work unit that is able to create a corruption-free area, become a work unit that has a clean bureaucracy and is able to serve optimally through efforts to prevent corruption, reform the bureaucracy and improve quality. public service.

Meanwhile, the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Catharina Muliana Girsang in her direction appreciated the activities carried out as a form of Unud's commitment, especially FEB to build a culture of integrity in proposing the determination of the ZI WBK-WBBM area. The zone of integrity is one of the bureaucratic reform programs. If the WBK Integrity Zone has not been established, all the programs that have been determined will not be realized because there will be deviations so that activities cannot be achieved. The Inspector General expects an understanding for a change that must be implemented because the challenges will be faced by universities and we must be ready to face these challenges. A change requires collaboration that requires a shared commitment and commitment to bureaucratic reform must be initiated. One of the indicators is how to follow up on existing findings. The management of education must achieve the objectives stated in the law. One of them is producing graduates who are intellectually proficient and have integrity.

On this occasion, also carried out the inauguration of the Integrity Zone Change Agent Towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK), a Clean, Free and Serving Area (WBBM) at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University and the signing of the integrity pact text and the signing of a banner supporting the declaration of an Integrity Zone towards a Corruption-Free Area ( WBK) Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM).