Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University Receives a Visit from the Mayor of Ambon

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Unud Prof.Dr.dr. I Ketut Suyasa, SpB., SpOT(K) accompanied by the Deputy Deans received a visit from Ambon City Government Officials, (22/6/2021) in the Prof. Meeting Room. dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah in the context of gathering and discussing the Cooperation Agreement. The visit of the Ambon City Government led by Ambon Mayor Richard Louhenapessy, SH., Head of Ambon City Health Office, Head of Ambon Eye Health Center, and several related officials in the framework of a cooperation plan with the Faculty of Medicine.

Also present at the event were the Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Coordinator of the Ophthalmology Study Program, Coordinator of the Information Management and Cooperation Unit of FK Unud, Coordinator of TU, ​​Sub-Coordinator of education and cooperation, and Sub-Coordinator of General and Finance of FK Unud.

Dean of FK Unud Prof.Dr.dr. I Ketut Suyasa, SpB., SpOT(K) welcomed the visit of the Ambon City Government in order to strengthen the relationship as fellow children of the nation and the commitment of the Faculty of Medicine to help develop the Ambon area. It is hoped that in the future, the Parties can cooperate with Study Programs within the Medical Faculty of Udayana University in order to improve health in Ambon City.
We are also ready to support providing opportunities for the best Ambonese sons and daughters who want to continue their specialist education at the Faculty of Medicine, Unud," he said.

On this visit, Ambon Mayor Richard Louhenapessy, SH said "Thank you for the welcome and hospitality given by the academic community of FK Unud. We hope that this collaboration will be able to improve the level of public health in the city of Ambon."

In this meeting, there was also a discussion of the Cooperation Agreement between the Ambon City Government and the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.