Unud Holds Selection Exam for New Student Candidates for Foreign Citizens

Udayana University held an online selection exam for prospective new foreign students, Friday (18/06/2021). The implementation of this exam is carried out in accordance with the Chancellor's Announcement Number: B/1/UN14/TM.00.03/2021 concerning New Student Admissions through the Selection of Foreign Citizens (WNA) of Udayana University.

This exam is conducted online using the Unud Online Academic Service for E-learning (OASE) Application (https://oase.unud.ac.id) and the Cisco Webex application. The examination was led by the Head of the Academic, Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau, Drs. IGN Indra Kecapa as Deputy Chair of the 2021 Foreign Student Admissions Selection Committee.

The number of participants who took the exam this year was nine people, seven people from Timor Leste, one person from South Korea, and one person from Malaysia.

The announcement of the exam will be held on June 23, 2021. Those who pass will follow the next process, namely online registration.