Udayana University Holds Service Examination for Education Personnel

Udayana University held a Service Examination for Education Personnel in order to improve the qualifications and performance and quality of civil servants. The Service Examination takes place online at the Computer Lab of the Faculty of Medicine with a total of 15 participants, Tuesday (15/6/2021).

In accordance with the provisions that apply to Civil Servants who have occupied the Level I Regulatory Ranks of room II/d to obtain a promotion to the rank of Young Registrar, group III/a are required to take and pass the Level I Service Examination (UDTK I). In accordance with the spirit carried out in Government Regulation Number 12 of 2002 that promotion is one way to improve the work performance and service of civil servants to the state and must realize justice in giving the award, in order to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of its implementation and so that the test is run As subjectively as possible, the implementation of the Service Examination within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology includes the Level I Service Examination, Level II Service Examination, and the Diploma Adjustment Promotion Examination (UKPPI) carried out through online computer-based examinations (online). Participants who may take this official exam are those who have passed the administrative selection.

Unud Human Resources Coordinator, Desak Putu Irianti, said that this online service exam was the first to be held at Unud. Previously, preparations and trials for participants had also been carried out on June 10, 2021 ago. This time, there will be an exam for employees who will be promoted and ranked from II to III, and tomorrow there will also be an exam like this for the adjustment of diplomas for employees with a total of 15 participants. There were connection problems experienced before the test started, but they have been resolved. The HR Coordinator hopes that the exam will run smoothly.