BKM Unud Holds Socialization of Wiradesa Program Offer

Udayana University through the Student Affairs Bureau held the 2021 Wiradesa Program Socialization which took place online and offline in the USCC Room, Agrokomplek Building, Unud Sudirman Campus, Friday (28/05/2021). Also attending online were Vice Deans for Student Affairs, BEM, DPM of each Faculty as well as accompanying lecturers from each Faculty.

The Wiradesa Program is a new program launched in 2021 by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of Higher Education, which is a student soft skills development program and implements the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka policy by fostering a sense of caring for students to contribute to rural society.

In his remarks the Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. I Made Sudarma, MS said that the Wiradesa Program is an implementation of Permendikbud Number 3 of 2020 related to MBKM which directs students to be creative, innovative, develop village potentials as well as entrepreneurship both in groups and individually, the results of which can be stated in a proposal. If the proposal later meets the requirements, it will be financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. This program can be followed by student groups of UKM, BEM and other units working in the village.

In organizing the socialization as well as technical guidance for the preparation of this proposal, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs hopes that Udayana University students will receive this Wiradesa program as a financial addition, as well as receive SKS recognition that is recognized by the Director General of Higher Education.

Presentation Detailed materials related to the Wiradesa program offer, the scope, and the process of carrying out activities, the systematics of proposal writing and the registration process were explained in detail by the Chairperson of the USCC Unud (Dr. Ketut Sardiana). In accordance with the circular letter of the Directorate of National Achievement Center, the offer for the Wiradesa program will be open until 17 June 2021.