Udayana University General Bureau Held Procurement Defense Socialization

In order to provide an understanding of the direct shopping process for procurement of goods at Udayana University, the General Bureau through the State Property Section held a "Procurement Defense Socialization", located at the Nation Room, Rectorate Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. Thursday, (20/5/2021).

This socialization was attended by the Chairperson of the SPI, Acting Head of the Planning and Finance Bureau, Commitment Making Officials, Procurement Officials, Financial Coordinators, Sub-Coordinator of the Non-Tax Budget Revenue Budget, and Expenditure Flags at Udayana University.

This socialization was held to follow up the Circular of the Head of the Government Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP) Number 31 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of the Procurement Defense Program and Facilitating Direct Shopping in an effort to encourage MSEs to join the marketplace, make procurement more inclusive, increase the use of production in in the country, take advantage of the marketplace in the procurement of government goods and services and improve transparency and accountability of government procurement of goods and services.

Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance Prof. Dr. I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana, SE., MS in his direction conveyed, the Procurement Defense Program is a program to support the GoDigital UMK Program through the direct expenditure process of Ministries / Institutions / Regional Devices, which is worth a maximum of 50 million rupiah to MSEs who are members of the Marketplace.

In addition, the Vice Rector also hopes that in 2021 Udayana University will introduce the Procurement Defense application to stakeholders or business actors who are often invited to collaborate with Unud to join the marketplace that has been broadcast on the LKPP portal and business actors who wish to join the e-marketplace can join. with Balimall, IDs in Bali or other marketplaces on the National portal.