Rector of Unud Receives Audience of Tampaksiring Village Perbekel Gianyar

Wednesday (7/4/2021) at the Postgraduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, the Rector of Unud Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi accompanied by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information received an audience at the Tampaksiring Village Perbekel, Gianyar and related units.

This hearing is in the context of initiating cooperation in which village officials wish to empower the potential of the village so that the community can feel the impact of its benefits. From the perspective of village institutions, they are ready to support these efforts and require assistance from academics, in this case Udayana University, to participate in planning and making master plans.

The Tampaksiring Village Perbekel on this occasion also informed the potential of the village and most of the community as farmers, craftsmen and tour guides so that they really felt the impact of the Covid pandemic. Empowerment of village potential is expected to be able to build the village and its benefits will be felt by the community.

The Rector of Udayana University welcomed this collaboration considering the main tasks and functions of the university related to the Tridharma of Higher Education, one of which is community service. Unud also has an MoU with the Gianyar Regency Government so that it can be followed up through PKS.