BAN PT Conducts Professional Engineering Study Program Field Assessment

The BAN-PT team of assessors conducted a field assessment in the context of accreditation of study programs in the Udayana University Postgraduate Professional Engineer Study Program which took place online, Wednesday (31/3/21).

The assessment event was attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Director of Postgraduate Studies, Secretary of LPPM, Ka. LP3M, Secretary of USDI, Ka. UPT Libraries, Deputy Directors, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Coordinators, Task Force Teams, Lecturers and alumni in the Professional Engineer Study Program.

The BAN-PT assessors team who was present on this occasion Prof. Dr. Ir. Johny Wahyuadi Soedarsono, DEA from the University of Indonesia and Ir. FX Nugroho Soelami, M.BEnv., Ph.D from the Bandung Institute of Technology.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his speech conveyed that Udayana University is currently 59 years old, in its development until now Unud has 13 Faculties and 1 Postgraduate Program and is supported by 117 Study Programs both undergraduate, S0, S2, S3, Professional and Specialist Programs.

For Institutional Accreditation, Udayana University has been accredited "A" and has the status of BLU. Of the 117 study programs, Udayana University has approximately 1,800 lecturers and 158 of them are professors and most of them have doctoral status. More than 55 percent of the study program's status has been either accredited superior or accredited A while the rest is accredited B while there are several study programs that are not accredited because of their new status. With the existence of a study program that is not accredited, there are obstacles faced by the University, including being unable to freely recruit PPI students on a regular basis and not being able to get scholarships.

The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs hopes that all Study Programs at Udayana University will no longer have a C status.Of the Study Programs at Udayana University, one Study Program that has been internationally accredited, namely Master of Management from FEB and four Study Programs are currently in the process. International accreditation. For this reason, it is hoped that this year Unud will have four or five study programs that are internationally accredited. For this reason, it is hoped that all work units within Udayana University will work together and work to improve the accreditation program and be carried out as well as possible. It is hoped that with a map of institutional development, especially PPI at Udayana University, it is hoped that it can function as a center of excellence or development in the island of Bali and its surroundings.

ASSESSOR TEAM BAN-PT Prof. Dr. Ir Johny Wahyuadi M. Soedarsono, DEA, on this occasion conveyed his gratitude to the leadership and the team from Udayana University for holding a field assessment event at Udayana University even though it was held online. From the data that has been submitted, it will be used as input for the BAN-PT assessors team in carrying out accreditation. The assessors team also gave appreciation to all parties, especially the stakeholders involved in this activity and hoped that this field assessment could run as well as possible.