Road Show of BEM-PM Udayana University

Students’ Executive Board-Student Government of Udayana University (hereinafter called BEM-PM) took another action in order to support the development of Student Government particularly in Udayana University. This road show was the follow-up of working plan of Ministry of Home Affairs of BEM. With Ni Nyoman Clara Listisa Dewi or usually called Clara, the chairman of Students’ Executive Board, this was meant to connect several aspects which related to activities within campus institute. The program would be applied to all faculties in Udayana University.

During the direct visit of BEM-PM of Udayana University to the faculties, meeting or gathering was conducted with respective Students Government of each Faculty. The road show itself was started from the middle of May yet only few of the total faculties had been visited due to specifically different situation and condition of BEM of Faculty or of BEM-PM itself.

Several faculties that had been visited during the road show were Faculty of Math and Natural Science (FMIPA), Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries (FKP), and Faculty of Animals Husbandry (FAPET). The visit to Faculty of Animals Husbandry was on April 14, 2015 at 05.00 pm. But because of the bad weather issue, the meeting was delayed to 06.00 pm. The meeting was attended by President of the Students, Vice President of the Students, Ministry of BEM-PM of Udayana University and members of BEM of Faculty of Animals Husbandry itself.

“The purpose of this road show is to maintain the teamwork between BEM-PM of Udayana University and BEM of the Faculty as well as to build good relation among the members of students’ stewardship in Udayana University,” said Bernarth, student of Faculty of Legal Law as the staff of Ministry of Home Affairs BEM-PM Udayana University.

“We still cannot predict the exact time and which next faculty we shall visit because we have to consider the proper situation and condition for us and also for the BEM of the faculty. Our plan is to have this program run for the following two months to create harmony between central government (BEM-PM of Udayana University) and BEM of existing faculties in Udayana University,” he added (NE)