Maintain Campus’ Land, Dozens of UNUD Students Hold a Demonstration.

Monday (April 20th 2015) Dozens of UNUD students took to the streets to hold demonstrations for reject the UNUD land’s execution and demanded for a judicial review is granted.

In front of the immigration office in Jimbaran, dozens of students from the University of Udayana complete with alma mater had gathered since 10:30 AM. The students gave speeches delivered demands to reject the execution of land owned by Unud and grant PK (Reconsideration).

"The location of the action was originally planned in front of Jimbaran Village Head Office was moved to the place of execution immediately, because there are some persons who deliberately want to undo the action of this Unud students," said Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi, as president of the University of Udayana BEM PM

Unud land located in front of the immigration office of Jimbaran is 2.76 hectares area wide, which had been released in 1983 is now being disputed by the plaintiffs on behalf of Wayan Kepreg, all the legal process has run and Udayana University has won in two phases which are, in the District Court and High Court.

Unud lost in the last phase after an appeal to the Supreme Court with many irregularities. One is with a photocopy of proof of land tax payment while Unud have proof of land acquisition in 1983. Therefore, Udayana University has filed a Judicial Review (PK).

"Demonstrations are certainly not going to cancel the legal process. But at least we showed that we care about the campus, campus when hit by the internal problem, we are on because we feel our campus undermined. So we are not only concerned with issues outside but also concerned with issues of internal and important for the future of the campus, "said I Wayan Artadana as coordinator of field demonstrations.

Demonstrations followed by all students from 13 faculties at the University of Udayana. Riris Christiani Gultom one of the participants in the action of the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries hopes PK can be granted, "With this action, I hope Unud not lose assets because it is a very important asset for the future Unud."

The execution of the disputed land and then postponed until April 27 with the reason of less ready security reasons. 11:30 pm all the participants of the demonstration was disbanded and directed towards the rector of Udayana University to get a briefing from the Vice Rector III and of the President BEM Unud. (GK -Akademika UNUD).