Balimall Goes to Campus

On October 31, 2020, held another Talkshow with the theme "Urgency of the Legal Aspects of MSMEs." This activity is a continuation of the Balimall Goes to Campus series in the framework of the Youth Pledge Day at the Atrium Sidewalk Jimbaran.

One important aspect in planning and running a business, especially for MSMEs, is the legal aspect. Trust / trust is the main capital of the digital marketing era. The form of business chosen by entrepreneurs such as Trading Business / Individual Business (UD), Commanditaire Vennoonschap (CV), to the Limited Liability Company (PT) legal entity, each form of business has advantages and disadvantages, of course it must be adjusted to the entrepreneur's needs.

This talkshow presented speakers from the Faculty of Law, Unud Dr. Made Gde Subha Karma Resen, SH., MKn and also Dewa A. G. Manu, SH., MH Goods / Services Procurement Expert, who was guided directly by Dr. Ir. Ni Wayan Sri Ariyani, MM., IPM (CEO of Baliyoni Group).

Through the implementation of this Talkshow, it is hoped that entrepreneurs, in this case MSMEs, will have an understanding and know the legal aspects that are very important for the sustainability of businesses that are being planned and already running. as the only digital platform in Bali which is the work of Balinese children is committed that MSMEs and products from Bali are able to compete and are trusted to provide the best quality and promote consumer satisfaction to after-sales of the products offered at