Udayana University Signs an MoU with the Mentawai Regency Government to Develop Bamboo

Udayana University Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Mentawai Regency Government, Tuesday (27/10/2020) at the Nusa Room, Rectorate Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus.

This event was attended by the Rector of Udayana University who in this case was represented by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. IB Wyasa Putra. Meanwhile, from the Mentawai Regency Government, Desi Seminora, SE, as Assistant for Economy and Development, Ir. Yusi Rio, Head of the Environment and Sanitation Service, Ruslianus, S.Pd., MSc as the Secretary of the Mentawai Regency Government, and other invitees.

Prof. IB Wyasa in his speech conveyed, the idea of ​​this collaboration was an idea that appeared quite a long time and required a process, so that today a Memorandum of Understanding can be signed. At this time, the university as part of the government has an obligation to jointly meet the demands of various standards and categories of sustainable development goals.

Through a collaboration initiated by the Environment Agency related to "Planning for Forest and Land Rehabilitation in the Mentawai District Government" through Bamboo Maintenance and Development. On the Udayana University side, this collaboration will be followed up by the Bamboo Research Center, LPPM Unud. This collaboration is a very important part in the relationship with the conservation and development of resources. This collaboration will soon be followed up with an implementable program and it is hoped that it will benefit both parties.

On this occasion, Assistant for Economy and Development of the Mentawai Regency Government, Desi Seminora, SE said that the bamboo program is very strategic because it is in accordance with the green development program launched by the Mentawai Regency Government as one of the plants that support reforestation. In the future, it is hoped that residents in Mentawai will make bamboo a plant that can support the surrounding community and will become a tourist destination.

In addition, through this program it is hoped that it can move the economy in the Mentawai Regency Government, and support environmental-based energy from bamboo, and future development in Mentawai is expected to utilize bamboo raw materials according to their needs.