Kartini Day Celebration in Student’s Persepective

To commemorate Kartini Day, Student Executive Board of Udayana University held a discussions and film screenings Raden Ajeng Kartini, which is took place at the Student Center building (21/04/2015). This event is one form of commemorate the services of the national hero, R.A Kartini.

In this discussion, was played Raden Ajeng Kartini Film that lasted 1 hour. The film tells about the struggle of RA Kartini to realize all her dreams, which is to liberate the people, especially women, to be free from the shackles of folly and could have the right to a decent education.

According to Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi (20) as chairman of the Student Executive Board of Udayana University, women in any regions are expected to be stronger and braver and do not forget the customs and religions.

"A lot of people sometimes forget the role of a woman who symbolized by Ibu Kartini. Women always be number two. In fact, all beings are the same actually. It turns out to the condition which is not as good as we think about before. Within the modernization, its countinously made women increasingly intimidated. As a student, to commemorate Kartini Day can be by discussing about what is female figure as, and that students should understand well in the position or in any institution, the woman has a role and have the same opportunities as men. Examples in this Udayana Student Executive Board, "said Chairman of the Student Executive Board with a friendly smile.

Speaking of Kartini Day has a special meaning in the mind of other students. As said from one of Udayana University Balinese Literature  8th semester student, Rama (22), that in the era of Kartini, women was already able to demonstrate their strong will in the fight against the invaders.

In the era of Kartini women showed her strong will to struggling to defend the country, we men  could appreciate women more. The hopes, it’s not because we as men oppressing women like intended to show strength. In the current era, women have been able to equal themselves with men, in the context of that women can meet its needs alone in earning a living, in the contrary to the old times, "said Rama.

Kartini Day has another meaning in the eyes of other different students. Bisma (24), eighth semester students majoring in IT (Information Management) STIMIK Bandung Bali Handayani said, "Kartini Day comemoration in these times, the role of women has been widely seen. Women tend to be dominant role in society. For example, now women are already equal to men in a career, for example, become president. Women are most instrumental figure in life. In the social life of young women now, a lot of the emancipation of women exceeded men, such like the women were tattooed. In the presence of female emancipation has come true, in the future, the only concern is how is her interaction, such as self-governance so that each woman has a place and under controlled so that she doesn not cross the line of what women should do. There is a limit between men and limit between women. "

Kartini Day is held to remind women that women can equal herself with men, either in nature or in the presence of community agencies. Women have an important role in life, including family, career and influence in society. (Pradnya-Akademika UNUD)