Academic Community of Unud Medicine Faculty Handed Over Basic Food Packages to Covid-19 Pandemic Affected Society

Medicine Faculty of Udayana University along with Denpasar City Government and Hiswana Migas Bali-Pertamina handed over 120 food packyages to the affected society of Covid-19. The aid package is a donation from FK Unud lecturers to be handed over to fishermen who are members of the Bendega Bintang Laut Denpasar City Krama Forum located on Sunrise Coast , (05/26/2020).

Dean Medicine Faculty, Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Suyasa, Sp.B., Sp.OT (K) said that this aid was a form of empathy and the spirit of mutual cooperation in facing Covid-19 pandemic. On this occasion, he also promoted the importance of following health protocols, maintaining a clean lifestyle, and increasing endurance. The same thing was also conveyed by Ir. A A. Gede Bayu Brahmasta, Head of the Denpasar City Fisheries and Food Security Service.

Krama Bendega Bintang Laut Forum in Denpasar City has 891 members consisting of 22 fishing groups and 5 Community Watch Groups (POKMASWAS). The Covid-19 pandemic and the extreme weather that has occurred in the past few months has led to a decline in catch and purchasing power. I Made Ada as the Head of Denpasar Krama Bendega Bintang Laut Forum thanked the assistance provided to lighten the burden of the fishermen.

On the same day, the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University also delivered 25 food packages aid. The aid was from Lecturers of Medicine Faculty,  for the Dria Raba Education Foundation and Orphanage to lighten the burden due to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic. Donations were received symbolically by the chamberlain of the Orphanage Mr. Made Suyasa and the Chair of the Foundation I A Pradnyani Manthara.

Also present at the event, the Dean of FK Unud, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance Dr. dr. A A Wiradewi Lestari, S.Ked., Sp.PK, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information Dr. dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M. Kes., And the lecturer representative Dr. Ketut Suarta, Sp A (K).