Dissemination of Changes to Accreditation Assessment Standards, Unud LP3M Provides SPMI Training

Udayana University Institute for Learning and Quality Assurance (LP3M) conducted an Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) Training at Rectorate, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Friday (05/10/2019). This activity was held to provide training for participants related to paradigm change in university accreditation conducted by BAN-PT. These changes include to the assessment that was based on inputs and processes, so currently assessments are based on inputs, processes, and outcomes. In addition, changes also occur in the assessment criteria, which previously only included 7 criteria, now includes 9 assessment criteria.
Chairperson of LP3M Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti, SE., M.Si, said that the most basic things change related to assessments which are more directed towards the standards of the management system, quality assurance and governance. "The most basic things changed if first Quality Assurance was asked on standards of management system and governance, now each criteria must be explained what quality assurance, how SPMI is implemented in institutions and study programs," explained Prof. Sri Suprapti. Therefore, this training is given to all leadership levels so that they are able to be understood and implemented in each duty unit and they are able to prepare for accreditation properly.
Chancellor of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp., S (K) hopes that all parties can respond to the changes of accreditation assessment standards, both at the rectorate level, faculty, and study programs. "It is hoped to be implemented and prepared for accreditation in 2020, this new system has been used," said Prof. Raka Sudewi. (dsk, ad)