History Study Program Faculty of Cultural Sciences Udayana University History Research Training in Yogyakarta Palace

Yogyakarta, (24-28/04), Starting on Friday (24) to Wednesday (28), Students of History Science Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University began research activities in History Study Program. This activity was helding in Yogyakarta, in collaboration with Yogyakarta State University. Approximately 26 students from 2016 batch and 10 lecturers of History Study Program participated in this activity until finished.

Met during the breaks, Ni Wayan Sri Rahayu, chairman of the committee "History Research Practices 2019" said, this historical research training activity is an annual activity that is routinely held by History study programs. This activity is held to train history students in research activities, introduce objects of historical studies to students, and improve intellectuals to form progressive and cultured students."This research exercise is also a compulsory activity that must be attended by history students, at least once during their education at Udayana University, and the most important thing is through this training students can further explore the stages of the research themselves, which they will later do when compiling the thesis ". He added.

The series of events in Yogyakarta is, first, holding discussions with students and lecturers of Yogyakarta State University's history science study program. The discussion was themed "Oral History Contribution as a Method and Source in Local History Research" presented by each University representative. Udayana University was represented by Ni Wayan Sri Rahayu while the lecturer representatives were presented by Dr. Drs Putu Suwita, S.U.

Dr. Drs Putu Suwita, S.U., in his explanation, oral history is one of the most important methods and sources of historical research. Through oral history, we can obtain sources of information which is not contained in written books or sources. The culture of oral history should be preserved, because the object of historical research is not merely about a large figure whose information is always contained in written sources, but the object of historical research can also about "small" people, who have never been found in written sources..

Not only historical research training, but this activity is also accompanied by community service and socialization of the History Science Study Program in several high school in Yogyakarta. Among them are SMA 11 Yogyakarta. Aside from being a promotional event for high schools in Yogyakarta, this activity is also to train student’s soft skills to get used to socializing with people around.

Also not to forget, students of Unud and history lecturers also visited Jagatnatha temple in Banguntapan at the same time. The activity took the theme "Connecting the Family Through Oral History" activities of visiting to historical objects in Yogyakarta, namely Yogyakarta Palace, Taman Sari and Ratu Boko Temple. (Ism)