Comeback Active, Maestro Held a Journalism Workshop

I Dewa Putu Gandita Raianom Accepted a certificate of appreciation as speakers by the Journalism workshop committee that held by Maestro

Denpasar – Friday (25/01), after a long hiatus due to lack of member, Maestro, the journalism team from the extracurricular unit of the school of engineering, Udayana University comeback active by holding a Journalism Training and Workshop at Wicwakarma Hall, Sudirman Campus. This event was the first event held by the journalism team, Maestro (2018/2019).

Ida Ayu Pradita Dewi, the head of Maestro said that this event intended to expand the new member’s knowledge about journalism, an also as a chance to recruit any new member.

“The aim of this event is to expand the new member of Maestro’s knowledge of journalism, also to recruit any new member.” Said Ayu, that also the student of Information Technology department.

The event that themed Reflection of culture, was attended by students of the school of engineering, and three qualified speakers in the field of journalism which are, Made Vairagya Yogantari, the Lecturer of Bali School of Design, that talked about Layout, Putu Guna Atmaja, the owner of Maxelar Photography, that  talked about basic photography of journalism, and I Dewa Putu Gandita Raianom, S.TP., a journalist that crowned as the best journalist in 1998-1999.

A Participant giving a question to the speakers in the Q n A session

This event reached it peak at the Question and answer session. The participants seemed excited as they take turn to give question to the speakers excitedly.

This event continued to the next day, Saturday (27/01), after they got all the materials about journalism from the speakers the day before, they asked to implemented their knowledge.

For the first trial, the participant was given a theme, and started a simulation as a journalist, by doing an interview and made an article out of it.

After they finished with this event, Maestro was preparing another event to expand their new member’s knowledge about journalism, which are: Journalism Trip, and the making Maestro Magazine that would be published annually.