Simulation of Trial of Basic Management Skills at Faculty of Arts Udayana University

Denpasar – Saturday (10/03), Senate of Faculty of Arts, Udayana University once again held a Basic Student Management Skills (LKMMTD) at Ir. Soekarno Building, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University. The event which themed "Actualization of Pancasila and Bhineka Tunggal Ika's Values to Achieve Youth with Integrity" lasted for two days i.e. Friday (09/03) and Saturday (08/03).

The FIB Student Senate's routine activity was attended by 49 students from eight existing study programs within the Faculty of Arts. In addition to realizing the work program of Field I: the Rationalization and Research of SMFIB. This activity aimed to provide the provisions of leadership spirit to the students, which is inseparable from the values of Pancasila as the foundation of the state of Indonesia and Bhineka Tunggal as the identity of the nation, which in addition can be applied both in campus and off campus.

This is conveyed by Deco Permana as a member of Senate Faculty of Arts Udayana University as well as the chairman of the organizing committee of the activities, he explained, "Not only the annual event of the Senate Faculty of Arts regularly, but this activity aims to provide knowledge to students, especially the generation of 2017 in student management and leadership. In order that later in the following years, they as well as the successors already know about the ways of handling a good organization, having a soul of leadership, and the sciences gained by the speaker during the follow this activity can be applied."

The materials given during LKMMTD were the history of Faculty of Arts Udayana University, the History of Senate and Student Representative of FIB Udayana University, delivered directly by the chairman of Senate and the Chairman of BPM FIB. Not only that, the participants were also given about the material about letters, correspondence and proposals, the basics of leadership, conflict management and trial simulations.

The participants seemed enthusiastic in following this leadership activity, especially during the trial simulation. Students were required to actively express their opinions and submit arguments and discussions. Until late on Saturday afternoon, the closing ceremony of LKMMTD FIB Unud was completed.

"The show is very interesting, I could get a lot of new reinforcement in here. Especially on the trial technique, which is thrilling but exciting. There we could learn how we defend our argument", said Cindy, one of the participants from students of Indonesian Literature. (Ism)