Held at Nusantara Room, Agrokompleks Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar had been being a speech contest by one of the contestants
Denpasar, (18/11) FISIP International Relations Student Corps held International competition. The competition is called International Relations Competition which has been going on every year. The major theme was "Towards A Gender-Equal Community".
"The competition is definitely aimed as one way to raise awareness of young generation in the issue of international relations, and as well as to introduce International Relations Program of FISIP Unud among SMA/K." said Teresa Antania as Chairman of the IRC Committee.
The competitions in the level of Bali and East Java joined by SMA/K students were English Debate Competition, Speech Contest and Essay Writing. There were 13 teams for English Debate Competition, 15 people for Speech Contest and 21 papers for Essays Writing.
Several themes from each of the contests were in the following, English Debate Competiton appointed the theme "Gender Equality", Speech Contest appointed the themes "Gender Stereotyping in Our Daily Life" and "Actions and Movements toward Equality in Indonesia", and Essays Writing appointed the theme "Encountering Gender Inequality."
Gender topic selection in this competition is because Gender is placed as number 5 and based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that has been established by some countries in the world through UN, so it is important to discuss.
The implementation of this Competition works in collaboration with Udayana Debat Society (UDS) as a jury team from debating competition, and there are some alumni and lecturers of FISIP who are also Jury in Speech Contest and Esai competition. (khania)