Press Engagement In Growing Entrepreneurship Soul In EJC 2017 Workshop

Opening of EJC 2017 Officially Marked By Beating Gong As a Symbolically By General Leader LPM Medikom FEB UNUD

Denpasar – Saturday, 30 September 2017 LPM Medikom Faculty of Economics and Business Udayana University conducted Economic Journalistic Competition Workshop. This activity is held in the Hall of Doctoral Building Faculty of Economics and Business Udayana University Sudirman. EJC 2017 takes the theme of "Engagement of the Press In Growing Entrepreneurship Soul". The purpose of this activity is to introduce LPM Medikom FEB and become a forum for talent interest in the field of journalism and to develop entrepreneurship spirit to the young generation.

After the opening ceremony was held in the hall, then the participants were divided into four groups to attend workshops located in several different places. There are four workshop materials in EJC 2017, news presenter with speaker Putu Suprapti Santy Sastra, SH., CHt., CI. from Santy Sastra Production, cording with speaker Muhammad Ridwan, S.Pd. (Radar Bali coverage coordinator), and citizen journalism video with I Gusti Made Aryadi, S.Sn (Nusa Bali) speaker and photography speaker Wayan Martino (photographer). The total number of participants in this event is 147 which is a student and student of SMA / SMK in Bali.

This activity is the annual agenda of LPM Medikom FEB UNUD which has been implemented twice. With the number of committee 57 people, this activity has been prepared since May 2017. Although there were some obstacles, but this event can run smoothly. There is a difference of EJC activities this year with the previous year, ie last year's workshop was held after the competition. While this year's workshop held before the competition. This is done in order to become a stock for the participants. The news presenter, kording and video presentation of citizen journalism and photography will be held on October 15, 2017.

Submission of Materials In Photography Workshop By Wayan Martino In Economic Journalistic Competition Activity 2017 LPM Medikom FEB UNUD

Ida Ayu Jiva Maheswari, chairman of the committee in this entertaining feels memorable because she can learn a lot from this activity. "Hopefully next year will be held again and the demand continues to increase", she said. Cok Istri Pradnyaningrat Pamanyun as a General leader of LPM Medikom FEB UNUD feel proud of the organizers of EJC 2017, it is because this activity introduces FEB to the participants from SMA / SMK in Bali. It also introduced the FEB press to the students. "For next year I hope more leverage again and if the scope becomes national," she said. (fai)