National Seminar with BEM FK Udayana University
The atmosphere at the first presentation of psychology, held at the Great Mahajaya & Convention Center.
Denpasar, (17/9) The Student Executive Organization of the Medical Faculty held a National Seminar entitled "Another Way to Success through Mind Management." "The purpose is to explore and know the potential, especially new students in the face of a new world such as the transition from High School to Higher Education." I Gusti Ayu Rantika Astari Putri as the Chairman of Seminar Committee.
There are speakers who fill on this occasion namely Dra. A. Kasandra Putranto, Psychologist., Dr. Anak Ayu Sri Wahyuni, SpKJ and Dr. Ni Made Swasti Wulyani, M.erg., Psychologist.
The material will be discussed in the form of Introduction to self-potential, the existence of self-understanding so that after entering the lecture to know the appropriate field in yourself. Furthermore, mental health and action is the real action to be able to sort and choose the potential of the self accordingly.
This seminar is a work program from Production Department, Business Fund held every once a year.
Located at Mahajaya Agung Hotel & Convention Center National seminar BEM FK Unud was attended by 270 participants. Participants who attended not only from Unud students but also from STIKES and general. (khania)