The Association of Anindyaguna KSE of Udayana University Holds Scholarship Reverberation 2017
The atmosphere when the speaker delivered the material explanation to the students of Engineering Faculty and Tourism Faculty, at Bhineka room, Agrokomplek building, Udayana University.
A series of events of Scholarship Reverberation by Association of Anindyaguna KSE of Udayana University is now targeting to thirteen faculties at Udayana University. Through this event, the Foundation of Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) gave the opportunities for students to participate in the scholarship program of KSE 2017/2018. The purpose of this activity was to socialize the scholarship of Karya Salemba Empat of Udayana University to each faculty so that all students of Udayana University can find out the information about the scholarship of KSE. The students who can participate in this scholarship are the active students at Udayana University, Strata I (S1) that have undergone the minimal education in the second semester.
Scholarship Reverberation is a work program of the Public Relations division, and will be continued with open recruitment of new scholarship recipients of KSE 2017/2018. There were more than 50 participants who attended this socialization. The materials delivered in this socialization were the introduction of KSE scholarship, explanation about how to register to become the recipients of KSE scholarship, and things obtained when becoming the member of Anindyaguna Association as well as work programs of each division in the Association of Anindyaguna.
The participants who participated in the last socialization on February 25, 2017.
The activity of Scholarship Reverberation was accompanied by 45 committee of KSE scholarship recipient. The socialization lasted for a week, February 15 - 25, 2017.
“The hope is that the information about KSE scholarship can spread out to all faculties at Udayana University. So, there will be many students of Udayana University who register to become the new scholarship recipients.” I Gusti Ayu Sri Hartari as one of the KSE scholarship recipients said. (naristadevi)