I Komang Sukarma (on the left), I Kadek Sudana Wira Dharma (in the middle), and Ricki Anzuri Brahmana (on the right)

Denpasar - on Thursday (29/12), ahead of the election of Senate Chairperson of Faculty of Arts 2017, which will be held on January 2017, Faculty of Arts held a candidate debate. The candidate debate of Senate Chairperson candidates, which was opened by the Vice Dean III Prof. Dr. Nyoman Weda Kusuma, M.S., was started at 1.30 p.m. - 4 p.m., at Auditorium Widia Sabha Mandala, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University. The debate was attended by the chairperson of study program in Faculty of Arts, lecturers of Himaprodi, chairperson of Himaprodi, and five students as student representatives from each department.

“The candidate debate of senate chairperson candidates is an introduction event of the candidates, and also an event for explaining the ideas of each candidate related to the future viewpoint of Senate of Arts Faculty. It is expected that the students of Arts Faculty can get to know more about the candidates of the new senate chairperson” Moch. Budi Hermawan, a Chairperson of Candidate Debate 2017, said.

The speech about vision and mission from the three candidates of senate chairperson of Arts Faculty, Udayana University 2017

In this election, there are three candidates of Senate Chairperson 2017, namely I Komang Sukarma from English Study Program, I Kadek Sudana Wira Dharma from Archaeology Study Program, and Ricki Anzuri Brahmana from History Study Program. The candidate debate of Senate Chairperson candidates of Arts Faculty 2017 was begun by the presentation of vision and mission of the candidates, continued by a question and answer with the representatives of Senate and BPM 2016, then, continued by a question and answer with the audiences. In the question and answer session, the students of Arts Faculty were very responsive in responding to the visions, missions or ideas that have been delivered by the three candidates of Senate Chairperson 2017.

There were many questions to the three candidates that were asked by the students of Arts Faculty, Udayana University. One of those questions was related to the role of Senate as a representative institution of students in Faculty of Arts in responding to all the problems that occur in Faculty of Arts, especially a few months ago, there was a miss communication between students and the dean. The second was related to the student protests about UKT, which was considered that it cannot run properly yet. The third was related to the requirement of SKP collection that was considered not to provide the benefits to the students yet. The fourth question was related to the bazaar as a fund-raising event that was considered can give a loss to the students.

Representatives of Students who Attended the Event of Candidate Debate of Senate Chairperson Candidates of Arts Faculty 2017

All things expressed by the student representatives of Arts Faculty through those questions were the anxiety happened in the Faculty of Arts. It is appropriate if the Senate Chairperson or Senate can actually act as a student’s representative body of Arts Faculty, Udayana University for the realization of a harmonious relationship among the academic community in the Faculty of Arts, Udayana University.

“Both the Dean and students have an important role in this campus, so they must go hand in hand since they cannot walk alone. If there is a problem, surely deliberation and consensus will be conducted to get the best solution. As mentioned in Pancasila,, we certainly use it as the basis for achieving the consensus.” I Komang Sukarma and Kadek Sudana Wira Dharma said when answering the question of the audience.

“In solving some problems faced by the students of Arts Faculty, we will solve it all with a win-win solution, which will certainly not give a loss to any side. Here, Senate is not a chairperson or committee, but Senate is us. The Senate will not exist without the students. If we get into trouble in the future, let’s solve it together” Ricki Anzuri Brahmana said. (naristadevi)