BAN-PT Assessor Visit the Faculty of Engineering

Atmosphere of visitation Prof. Dr. Ir. Mardjono Siswosuwarno to the Faculty of Engineering
After attending a meeting at the Bangsa Room, Rector of Udayana, Jimbaran the assessors spread to several points in order to conduct direct observation. The points are in Bangsa Room, Nusa Room, Faculty of Engineering, and the Sudirman Campus. An Assessor of ITB, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Mardjono Siswosuwarno, got a chance to visit the Faculty welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, namely Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D, Head of Department in the Faculty of Engineering along with the professors of Faculty of Engineering.
This meeting was to discuss the innovations and programs that are running and developed by Mechanical Engineering Study Program that aims to support the vision and mission of Udayana to realize superior human resources. In addition to discussions about the programs that are running in the faculty of Engineering, assessors also visited the Laboratory of Metals in the Faculty of Engineering and simultaneously interact with students who are in the Laboratories area. In addition, the assessors also visited the Laboratory of Conversion Convention Energy while sharing experiences, and review any existing facilities at the Faculty of Engineering performed quite relaxed even tinged with a joke on the sidelines of. Planned assessor will then continue with a visit to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA). The reaccreditation activities will take place on Sunday (10/23) until Tuesday (10/25). (kezia)