Get a Visit from VOA, Communication Studies Department, Udayana University Show Enthusiasm

The Atmosphere of the time of Communication Studies Department, Udayana University when Giving Souvenirs to Inpendent Consultant of VOA (Voice Of America)

Communication Studies Department, Udayana University got a visit from VOA (Voice of America) on October 18th, 2016 in B buiding, FISIP, Udayana. In this visit, Prodi was attended by the Head of Communication Studies, Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel, S.Sos, M.Sc. and also a speaker who was an Independent Consultant VOA, Frans Padak Demon. The event was opened by Kaprodi Communication Studies Department with the reading CV Frans Padak Demon as speaker. The event was to discuss the profession of journalist and why it becomes important and noble, as well as how to become an international journalist. Frans Padak Demon has been working at VOA since 2005 and retired last May, but Frank was asked to keep contributing to the VOA so that now serves as Independent Consultant VOA.

This event really got much attention by the participants who are the students of Communication Studies Udayana. The participants were so enthusiastic about listening to the teaching and experience described by the speaker. Not only gave explanations, Frans also deliver material and experiences VOA journalists through videos that he had. Frans presenting the material in any form the main purpose of journalism, elements of journalism. And last but not least, this one also makes the participants were so enthusiastic, Frans also explained the steps and parts of any job that is on VOA. Frans invites interested participants to plunge into the world of self-tapping of journalists to want to want to fight and the confidence to go ahead and start his career. Not only until the session discussion of the material, this event also held question and answer session which was well received by the participants with a variety of questions about the material that was submitted. (kezia)