Welcomes Food Day, HIMATEPA UNUD degreed The Oration
Student Association of Food Science and Technology Udayana University held a speech activities to commemorate World Food Day coincides with the day which falls on October 16. The event, held since 7 o'clock this morning quite successful. Activities carried out in Catur Muka Puputan is attended by visitors crowded field blowing at the time, considering the event was held on Sunday, when many people pay a field visit just to relax or exercise. People who are not directly join in the event quite enthusiastic about witnessing this event.
The theme of this oration activities is "CLIMATE CHANGE, ALSO FOOD AND AGRICULTURE IS A MUST ". Not only do the speeches, the event begins with the socialization of World Food Day to the people in the environment around the field blowing directly conducted by coating the handing out brochures about the local food and local food products such pia purple yam. Then the event was continued with activities to share impressions and messages socializing moments of World Food Day. Then last event oration carried out activities initiated by representative BEM PM Udayana who was represented by the President of BEM which I Wayan Artadana who express their aspirations in commemoration of World Food Day. Then this oration continued by representatives BEM FTP. Not only them, some organizers are also participants participated in expressing their aspirations will be the World Food Day in a speech. (arisugama)