Seminar and Talk Show with Dentistry Study Program, Udayana University

The atmosphere when the chairperson of Student Executive Board (BEM) of Medical Faculty of Udayana University delivered his speech.

National seminar and talk show took place on Saturday, October 8, 2016, at Wiswa Sabha building, Bali Governor office. The theme of this event was “Dentist Tourism: Quality in Dental Health Care and Globalization of Dental Health Service.” There were three speakers in the seminar session who would deliver the materials with different topics. The first topic about “Challenges to Create Health Tourism in Bali” was delivered by dr. I Gede Wiryana Patra Jaya, M.Kes. Then, the second session was continued by drg. Anik Udyani Sandy, GDCD, MHSM with the topic “Readiness of Bali for Dental Tourism”. And then, drg. Dewa Made Wedagama, Sp. KG. delivered a topic about “Opportunities, Professional in Dental Tourism” in the third session. Besides, there was also another event held, namely a talk show “Travel Insurance in Medical Tourism” presented by two speakers, dr. I Ketut Satrya Wibawa and PHRI Bali.

Ni Putu Alit Listya Dewi as the Chairperson of this event explained that the national seminar is a work program of the Division of Human Resources Development, Dentistry Students Association, Udayana University. “The purposes of this event are introducing Dentistry Study Program on a national scale, and also explaining how Bali can be a place of Dental Tourism” Alit said.

This event was fully supported by the Chairperson of Dentistry Study Program, Udayana University, Dr. dr. I Dewa Made Sukrama, M.Si, Sp.MK (K) expected that the dentist candidates who are interested in Dental Tourism should be ready to face the problems about the dental health of the foreign tourists in Bali. 

The participants of this event were not only the students, but also all the dentists and dental nurses in Indonesia.

  “Because we have entered a period of Asean Economic Community, through this seminar, it is expected that the dentists and dental nurses in this country are able to compete with the other countries in Southeast Asia”, Michael Ivan Limanto as the Chairperson of Dentistry Students Association said. (naristadevi)