Han Domers when giving socialization about scholarship info in Holland

Denpasar – It has been done, the socialization of scholarships to study in the Netherlands on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at the Faculty of Economics and Business in the 4th floor, Building BM Hall. The event was attended by students from various faculties and was opened by the secretary of the Center for International Programme (CIP) Udayana namely Mr. I Ketut Tika. Besides Han Domers, Msc. as director in Nuffict Nesso Indonesia were also present as well as providing socialization of scholarship in the Netherlands directly to participants.

The Netherlands offers many scholarships for international students, including Indonesia. The scholarships have been designed by the Dutch government, among others Student in Nederland (StuNed), Orange Tulips Scholarship (OTS), Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP). This scholarship program was given by the Dutch government to mid-career professionals from Indonesia as part of the bilateral forms of cooperation between both governments. There are three main types of universities in the Netherlands, the University of Applied Sciences, University of research and educational institute with a selection of 2,100 international study programs.

This scholarship in the Netherlands is apparently not only in demand by developing countries alone but also many students from developed countries who continue their education in the Netherlands as Germany, China, Belgium, Spanish and French. All because the Netherlands is one of the pioneers in finding solutions that are innovative, creative, and open. The Dutch government also provides additional policy as long as three years in the international student to develop his career in the Netherlands.

Natherlands or Holland is a country located in Western Europe with a relatively small area. "When compared with Indonesia, the area is only like the area of West Java province, and by judging from the sea level, it is higher than the mainland, then do not be surprised if people in the Netherlands made the land above sea level". Tin from one of the NufficNesso Indonesia.

"With all the limitations of the Dutch people always try to optimize its human and natural resources. Dutch only have wind as natural resources, by utilizing human resources, they make a windmill to pump water that does not rise to the mainland, but they also use the windmills in the process of flour bread, and electricity. Lower mainland is not the reason for the Netherlands in developing the agricultural sector, in evidence Netherlands become one of the largest agricultural exporters country in the world. Compare with Indonesia, whose territory is very spacious with abundant natural resources, but Indonesia has not been able to cultivate human resources optimally," he added.

This scholarship provides an opportunity for Indonesian students to continue their studies and careers in the Netherlands. But after that they have to keep going back to his native country with the knowledge they have acquired and re-applying it back in order to make the Indonesia a better country. (mimi)