Assisted by BANPT, Department of International Relations Held Re-accreditation

After the discussions held with the department of Political Science, concerning accreditation, now BANPT participates and helps Department of International Relations (HI) accreditation. At the meeting, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences especially International Relations (HI) got a visit from two assessors who came from BANPT directly. The purpose of holding this visit certainly in order reaccreditation Department of International Relations (HI), which in the hope through home visits and help International Relations (HI) able to achieve accreditation minimal of B and, at the same time in order to participate in meeting the target of the work program of the Directorate of Quality Assurance KEMENRISTEKDIKTI who want to achieve thirty thousand superior department (accreditation of A or B) in Indonesia within a period of up to 3 months.
The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, through his speech and presentation overview of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, was held in Building B FISIP Udayana on October 1st, 2016. The visit and discussion was also attended by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Social Udayana, entire Lecturer of International Relations (HI)at Udayana University, as well as some students of International Relations (HI) Udayana that support the smooth running of this event. The agenda is also not just a discussion, but also held a meeting with alumni of Department of International Relations, students of International Relations (HI), and discussion of the study program accreditation forms together with International Relations (HI). And of course, be subject to the BANPT to the facilities already owned by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences particularly Department of International Relations. Through this meeting, it is expected that Department of International Relations Udayana soon be able to achieve a better accreditation this year and still able to advance Udayana University through its accomplishments. (kezia)