Establishing A Good Relationship, Communication Science Study Program of FISIP, Udayana University Gets A Visit from University of Sumatera Utara

A Photo of Communication Science Study Program of FISIP, Unud and Communication Department of FISIP, USU at the front of building A, FISIP, Unud, on Thursday (22/09).

On Thursday, (22/09), Communication Science Study Program of FISIP, Unud got a visit from Communication Science Department of FISIP, University of Sumatera Utara (USU). This visit took place at the building B of FISIP, Unud. 45 students and 2 lecturers of USU as well as the Communication Science Study Program of FISIP, Unud shared their experiences with one another. It also became the event to establish a good relationship (silaturahmi).

They were greeted by the Chairperson of Communication Science Study Program of FISIP, Unud, Dr. Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel, S.Sos., M.Si. Then, these two study programs gave an explanation about the condition of each. By the existence of this visit, it is expected that we can obtain new lessons from both universities.

“On this trip, we take the route of Surabaya, Malang and Bali,” Dra. Fatma Wardy Lubis, M.A. as a lecturer of Communication Science Department of FISIP, USU said.

Not only Udayana University, but the other state universities such as Brawijaya University and Airlangga University also become the destination of USU in order to obtain more knowledge and experience.

“In Bali, we also visited Tourism Department and media agencies related to our scientific field,” she said.  (naristadevi)