Communication Studies Would Present Workshop and Short Film Seminar

Communication department has cooperating with DREAMERS publication media to held Workshop and Seminar “Short Movie Competition: The 5-Min video challenge”. This event is a roadshow in some major cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and also Bali. Previously, this study program has held a seminar engaged in Public relation field which presented smart speakers they were Deva Mahenra and Putri Alita Gorda. Now, communication department comes back with the event concerned in film. In this event not only workshop and seminar activities, it also held a filmmaking competition with 5 minutes duration.

The event that will be held on September, 9th 2016 present a speaker who is a film maker, and also a director Dennis Adhiswara. This workshop and seminar would take place at Nusantara room, Agrokomplek building, Sudirman campus of Udayana University which begins at 2 p.m. this event aims to support the whole communication students, other departments’ students in Udayana University, and also the society who interest in film in order to improve those interests. Therefore, the head of communication department invites the entire students of Udayana University, and public society who interested to join in this Workshop and Seminar in order to improve the creativity and knowledge in film field. This event is open to public and free of charge. (sobhita)