Tuesday, August 30th 2016- Workshop and FGD in national level was held at Nusantara Room, in Agro Komplek Building, Sudirman Campus. The theme of this event was Alumni Data Collection Strategy and Career Development. In this event, the participants came from all universities in Indonesia.

This event was presented four speakers. The first speaker was Prof. Ir. I Made Supartha Utama, M.S., Ph.D., from general secretary of IKAYANA Unud. Material which provided was Improving The Role and Function of Udayana University Alumni. Furthermore, Bambang Dwi Wahyudi, from the Secretary General of IKA UNS center. The material was given was the Best Practces Role of Alumni in the Sebelas Maret University. Next, there was Dr. Ir. Kusnandar, chairman of CDC UNS. He brought the material about Direction and Strategy of Student Career Development and Tracer Study. The last speaker was the Alumni of Udayana University achievers namely, Ni Wayan Purnami Rusadi, SP. M.Agb. She told about efforts to Encouraging Role of Alumni to Participate in The Developing Institutions and Career Alumni.

The secretary of IKAYANA Prof. Ir. I Made Supartha Utama, M.S., Ph.D in his speech said that in began of 2014 the alumni were involved in holding of UNUD anniversary. This event is also an anniversary part of the 54th Udayana University. (sobhita)