The series of events of 54th Dies Natalis Udayana University was officially opened on Monday afternoon (29/08). The opening was held in the Widya Sabha building, Bukit Jimbaran, Badung, Bali. The opening of Dies Natalis was coupled with a grand final - Jegeg Bagus Udayana University. On this occasion, the opening done ​​by the vice rector III Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna , SH.MH represent the rector who was unable to attend.
Vice Rector III in his speech said that the event series of Dies Natalis is always coupled with the grand final of jegeg-bagus, showed a concern of students that is not only to institutions, but the form of concern for the Arts, Sciences and the existence of the success of the parties concerned that boast Udayana University
His message was that this event should continue in the coming year. Because this event is one of the events that could, could conserve, could display, and could maintain the culture. This culture is a hallmark of the nation, if there are countries that do not have a culture, they are often abused. Can that kind of state be called a nation? Therefore each nation has their own cultural identity.
"If the cultures are destroyed, and the nation will become extinct " message of vice rector III
In his report, the chairman of committee of the Dies Natalis Yandhani Astika, stated that the achievable goal of this activity is that the students must uphold the university with the spirit of togetherness, a spirit of brotherhood to make Udayana University better.
 "We should be able to make our beloved campus to be better at the national and internasiaonal level".
Keep in mind, this opening series of Dies Natalis is exactly one month before the feast day of birth to 54th Udayana University on September, 29th 2016. The theme of this year is Masterpieces Udayana Painting Indonesia. There are the agendas such as the youth seminar, porseni, as well as evening grace achievement. In this occasion also done readings the student pledge represented by the Governor BEM from each faculty. (kezia)