Jegeg Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Got Achievement Again in Jegeg Bagus Pageant Klungkung


 Thursday (28/4), the Grand Final of the Jegeg Bagus pageant Klungkung has done, the event is located at the Klungkung Cultural Center. Representatives of Jegeg Bagus Faculty of Veterinary Medicine again made a very brilliant achievement, Jegeg Winda Top 5 Finalists Jegeg Veterinary Medicine became Top 10 Finalists Jegeg Klungkung. Luh Gede Winda Maheswari is one of the 8th semester students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and a representative of Jegeg Bagus Veterinary Medicine who has qualified as a finalist for Jegeg Bagus Klungkung. Jegeg Winda is an active student in academic and non-academic fields.

The Jegeg Bagus Klungkung pageant lasted for approximately 3 months from registration to the Grand Final. The finalists went through a very long selection process and received briefings, in order to increase the capacity of the finalists. The preparations that Jegeg Winda went through, in addition to the debriefing and selection carried out by the Jegeg Bagus Klungkung committee such as following the selection stage 1, stage 2, psychological tests, pre-quarantine and quarantine for 1-month, deep interviews, Fashion Show nights, and the Grand Final. Jegeg Winda prepares himself well, and manages his time well.



This very happy and proud news has not happened only once, in previous years representatives from Jegeg Bagus Veterinary Medicine who continued to participate in elections at the City/Regency level have made brilliant achievements, carrying the name of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University which is in line with the Vision and Mission Udayana University is Superior, Independent, Cultured. Jegeg Bagus Veterinary Medicine has proven that students of the veterinary faculty also excel in preserving culture by participating in the Jegeg Bagus event at the City/District level.