All Study Program Collaborated, FTP Unud Assist in the Processing of Cassava Products to Increase the Added Value of Local Food
Lecturers of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud) have carried out joint activities in community service. This activity is a collaboration of 3 study programs within the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, namely Food Technology Study Program (TP), Industrial Agricultural Technology (TIP) and Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering (TPB). Activities that have the aim of providing solutions to farmer group products from upstream to downstream, so collaboration of 3 Study Programs is needed in carrying out. The TP Study Program provides assistance in the production process, the TIP Study Program in product packaging and the TPB Study Program in processing the resulting waste. So the target of this service is expected to be achieved, namely providing concrete solutions to farmer groups.
This activity was held on Sunday, 24th April 2022 at KWT Tunjung Sari, Tegal Suci Environment, Bangli Regency. KWT Tunjung Sari has the characteristics of kiping products made with cassava as the basic ingredient. The problems faced by KWT Tunjung Sari are that there is no distribution permit, unattractive packaging and relatively short product shelf life.
Various educations and solutions were provided to answer the problems faced by KWT Tunjung Sari, Lecturer of the Food Technology Study Program, namely Ni Made Indri Hapsari Arihantana, S.TP., M.P. provide education and socialization related to the application of sanitation and hygiene in the processing of Cassava Kiping, Lecturer of Industrial Agricultural Technology Study Program Dr. A A. Made Dewi Anggreni, S.TP., M.Si. provided education and socialization related to the packaging of the resulting cassava kiping and Lecturer of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program Ida Ayu Gede Bintang Madrini, S.TP., M.Agr., Ph.D. provide education and socialization related to the processing of cassava dregs in the cassava kiping processing process. In addition, Mrs. Dr.Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P and A.A. Istri Sri Wiadnyani, S.TP., M.Sc. also provide input and information related to the processing of P-IRT distribution permits for food products.
Mrs. Jro as the Chairperson of KWT Tunjung Sari said that the community service activities carried out were very beneficial for KWT Tunjung Sari because they provided a lot of input and education that could be applied to improve the quality of the products produced. Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D. also attended and said that after this community service activity, assistance would still be provided to KWT Tunjung Sari to assist KWT to produce products that have distribution permits and can be sold and marketed more widely. This was also received positively by all KWT members.
The activity went smoothly and members of KWT Tunjung Sari also participated in the activity enthusiastically. The activity was closed with a demonstration of Kiping Cassava cooking which is the hallmark of the product developed by KWT Tunjung Sari and the delivery of equipment donations for packaging and waste treatment.