PEPA Document Preparation Mentoring for Master of Environmental Science Study Program
In preparation for the Monitoring
and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings (PEPA) for the Master of Environmental
Science Study Program at Udayana University, LP3M Udayana University held an
online PEPA Document Preparation Mentoring activity, on Monday, March 21, 2022,
in Meeting Room 3.8 of Unud's Postgraduate Building.
The Director of the Postgraduate
Program, Prof. Ir. Linawati, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D. explained this mentoring activity
aims to achieve the eligibility limit of the desired value and provides comments
on the PEPA documents of the study program that will embark on the
Accreditation Rating Monitoring and Evaluation process.
The LP3M Advisor, Dr. drh. Hapsari Mahatmi, MP said, "According to the direction of our Rector, every study program that embarks on the re-accreditation or accreditation process, will receive assistance from LP3M."
Technically, preparation for
accreditation using PEPA is carried out through the LP3M mentoring mechanism
before proceeding to the assessment stage by internal assessors. If it is
deemed appropriate, it will be uploaded to the Online Higher Education Accreditation
System (SAPTO) before being followed by an assessment by the BAN-PT assessor.
The PEPA preparation assistance activity from LP3M UNUD in the Master of
Environmental Science Study Program has actually been going on for more than
three months. LP3M and the Postgraduate Unit continue to make improvements and
revisions, as well as synchronizing perceptions regarding limits and indicators
in accordance with the stipulated requirements.
Since the last few months, various
steps to fulfill the PEPA completeness have been carried out by the
Postgraduate Task-Force from the Master of Environmental Science Study Program
which was escorted by the team from LP3M. The process kick-starts by
identifying the required data related to 9 accreditation standards, collecting
the required data, compiling completeness data, and uploading documents to the
Faculty and Department web pages.
In closing, Prof. Linawati explained, "There are things that may not be in accordance with the existing template, so we are trying to make the adjustment, harmonize perceptions regarding the limits on the number of pages, as well as provide an understanding of performance indicators, general performance, additional performance that is in accordance with the requirements."