The steps of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Udayana University in the next year are discussed in the premusrenbang which is prepared very seriously

        The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) of Udayana University Held a Pramusrembang Meeting on Monday, March 21, 2022. Located in on the 1st floor meeting room of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. This activity was attended by the Dean, Vice Deans, Coordinator of the Bachelor Veterinary Science, Veterinary Profession and Master Veterinary Science Study Program, Unit Coordinators, Head of Administration and Coordinator of Sub-Division of Administration in FVM UNUD. This Pramusrenbang activity discusses the coordination and direction from the Leaders regarding things that must be prepared in the later Musrenbang activities. The activity started with remarks from the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. drh. I Gusti Ngurah Sudisma, M.Si. Dr. Sudisma conveyed information related to making activity plans with indicators/quality that must be achieved in accordance with their respective tasks, planning proposals are made in excel form which must be completed for the work program in 2023. Furthermore, the Dean of FKH UNUD Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si provide direction regarding the budget given to each study program and business units of Udayana University FKH for activities in 2023. Prof. Suartha said "FKH received funds of 2.4 billion Rupiah with details of operational, administrative and educational activities of 1.4 billion and research activities of 1 billion. Research activities are expected to design a roadmap for 2023 to be completed this year”. further submitted that the proportion of the distribution of funds in each study program is budgeted in accordance with the details of bachelor degree getting a budget of Rp. 971,083,000, the profession degree gets a budget of Rp. 381,744,000, master degree received a budget of Rp. 75,704,000. The budget already includes the costs of all operational activities. For business units, activity plans are made referring to the 2022 plan. The activity for the construction of an Veterinary Teaching Hospital will be filled by the Rector. All activity plans are made in excel form and will be discussed again on March 25, 2022.



        After a briefing from the dean, the vice dean for academics and planning added that the output produced from this meeting was the design of activities for 2023 and for business units the proposed activity design was based on the 2022 design data. "It is hoped that each study program can design service activities that refer to the planned roadmap. Community Service activities are planned for 3 community service activities in 1 year and at least there is 1 major community service activity for each study program," said Dr. Sudisma. The agenda was then continued with the delivery of the program by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. Drh. I Wayan Sudira, M.Sc. Dr. Sudira provided information on tracer study activities that were still not completed, if the questionnaire was completed, tracer activities would be carried out immediately and routinely would be carried out once a year to obtain valid data. Then in the field of the Student Creativity Program (SCP), a program that will be implemented in semester 1 is required for students to make SCP GFT, SCP 5 fields and SCP AI. The previous SCP activities have collected 30 proposals and there are 16 proposals that get user IDs, then there will be Pimnas activities. "If a student succeeds in getting gold, there will be a "Thesis Free" reward for the student and for the guiding lecturer, he will get a reward in the form of remuneration," said Dr. Sudira. The next information regarding Entrepreneurship, there must be an entrepreneurial proposal made and not only referring to veterinary medicine but can make entrepreneurship proposals in other fields. For activities related to the preparation of entrepreneurship proposals, plans have been made to clarify student targets in making proposals. Related Student activities have been designed and refer to student achievement.



         After the report from the Dean team, the event was continued with a report on the planned activities to be submitted by each Study Program. Starting from the Coordinator of the study program Bachelor of Veterinary Science, Dr. Dr. I Nengah Wandia, M.Si., provided information that the RPS should have been revised for next year. Bookkeeping is made for every visiting national and international guests. Some Labs have not yet submitted activity plans. Followed by Coordinator Master of Veterinary Science Prof. Dr. Dr. Tjok Gde Oka Pemayun, MS provided information on the planned activities, namely workshops related to strategic planning, curriculum revitalization activities and preparation of RPS and modules, public lectures scheduled for 2 times each semester and comparative study activities or collaboration with agencies. Next Cordinator of Veterinary Profession Prof. Dr. Dr. I Made Dwinata, M.Kes., provided budget information for the planned activities, namely the budget for the procurement of Lab materials, new student admissions activities, academic document revitalization activities, evaluation of Exit Exam of Veterinary Profession Program Competency implementation, coordination meeting activities, and other activities that will be coordinated again.



       In the third session, namely program delivery by units within the FKH UNUD, namely the Learning Development and Quality Assurance Unit (LDQA), the Research and Community Service Unit (RCS), and the Information Management and Cooperation Unit (IMC) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Furthermore, the Head of Administration gave a response regarding the budgeting of consumables to be budgeted. Related to this, so that there is no lack of preparation next year. Followed by reports from each sub-coordinator starting from the General and Finance Sub-Coordinator, Education and Cooperation Sub-Coordinator, Planning and Information Sub-Coordinator, and Student Affairs Sub-Coordinator. At the end of the session, the meeting was closed with reports from each business unit within the FKH UNUD such as the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH), the Ethics Commission Unit, the Pathology Laboratory Unit and the Immunology Laboratory of the FKH UNUD. Director of RSHP Prof. Dr. Drh. I Ketut Puja, M.Kes, provided information regarding the 2023 activity plan that has been sent and requested to do a re-tracing if there are things that are lacking. There are several tools that VTH does not yet have and the pharmaceutical budget draft has not yet been written in detail.