In order to achieve the Main Performance Indicator Target (MPI), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University conducts socialization of the Student Creativity Program (SCP) with enthusiasm and thorough preparation
Veterinary Medicine - Udayana University is intensively conducting socialization related to the preparation of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) proposal to 13 existing faculties. The university's enthusiasm to encourage students to participate in the preparation of PKM proposals is transmitted to existing faculties, including the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. As many as 27 teams from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine passed and entered the coaching with the university.
Sunday (13/03) a socialization activity was held through a cisco webex meeting which was guided by one of reviewers , namely Mr. Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Janardana, M.Erg and moderated by a lecturer from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, namely Drh. Putu Devi Jayanti, S.KH., M.Sc. The socialization activity which was packaged in the form of a relaxed discussion went well because there was two-way communication between the reviewer and veterinary students. This discussion began with the emergence of a question from one of the students who asked about changes in the type of PKM that would be carried out by his group. “Permission to ask, sir, when we competed at the University, our PKM-GT won and the judges suggested that it be changed to PKM-KC. In your opinion, does this really have to be done seriously," asked I Made Agus Wirawan at the forum.
Before answering Agus's question, the reviewer first asked about the title and topic that was raised by Agus. "If the title is like that, I suggest changing it to PKM-KI because if PKM-KT the idea must be really original and the content of your PKM is more inclined to enter PKM-KI," answered Mr. Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Janardana, M.Erg.
The question and answer session continued with various questions that were still confused by students. Mr. Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Janardana, M.Erg as a reviewer explained the things that were asked, such as PKM-GT which must contain original ideas from PKM compilers, the difference between PKM-PM and PKM-PI which must have non-profit and profit partners, to the recommendation not to change the PKM to PKM-RSH (social humanities) because it is not included in the realm of veterinary medicine. In addition, the reviewer also explained the timeline and flow of the PKM collection that was collected to the faculty in advance with a deadline of March 15, 2022. Later, the university will submit it to the university.
Then, to end the discussion session, Drh. Putu Devi Jayanti, S.KH., M.Sc as the moderator asked for tips to pass the PKM preparation. “Of course, what must be considered is the placement of page numbers starting from the table of contents by placing the numbering on the bottom right, then when entering the introduction, the numbering is placed on the top right side. Furthermore, the use and format of the bibliography must also be paid more attention, regarding the schedule of activities it should not be more than 4 months. Lastly, the issue of the proposed budget of funds must also not exceed the maximum limit, "said Mr. Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Janardana, M.Er.
The socialization activity for the preparation of the PKM was closed with a feeling of relief from the students who had succeeded in getting the desired information. This can be seen by the absence of questions asked again by the students. The following is a complete guideline for PKM 2022 that can be accessed, namely:
Author: Lefira