Mental health is one of the efforts that can be prioritized to maintain the quality of human resources. Mental health is one thing that must be seriously considered by people in Indonesia at this time. Mental health problems in Indonesia at this time are still very high, especially among teenagers because teenagers tend to still have unstable emotions and are not yet capable enough to solve existing problems. Teenagers or students today also only focus on things that keep them busy, such as assignments, organization, class schedules, and the demands they receive from the people around them so they forget time to rest. Therefore, BEM FMIPA Udayana University as an organization that is a forum for the success of FMIPA students at Udayana University in holding FMIPA 2022 Capacity Building activities is planned to be held in 3 chapters.

Capacity Building Chapter 1 has the theme "Mental Health: Know Your Limit Before It Turns Toxic". This activity was held on Sunday, March 13, 2022, which took place at the Nusantara Room, Agrokompleks Building 4th Floor, UNUD Sudirman Campus and was attended by 223 active students. FMIPA Udayana University.

The speaker at the Capacity Building FMIPA 2022 Chapter 1 event was Made Padma Dewi Bajirani, M.Psi's mother. In the series of activities, there are also various other interesting events, such as sharing sessions, placing hopes, and games to maintain the enthusiasm of the participants. With the implementation of this activity, we hope that the students of FMIPA Udayana University can gain wider information and insight related to mental health and help students to be more courageous and open about the mental health disorders they experience.