National Seminar on Economics Study Program, Feb Unud and Development Study Forum - Indonesian Project, Australian National University with the theme "Enhancing community resilience to disasters".

The Economics Undergraduate Study Program FEB UNUD has held the 2022 Development Study Forum on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 with the Indonesia Project Australian National University. The activity which was opened by Ms. Koprodi Bachelor of Economics FEB UNUD representing the Dean of FEB UNUD was attended by 75 students of the Bachelor of Economics Study Program which was carried out in a hybrid way, offline at the BH Hall Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, and carried out online via Zoom which attended by 170 participants.

The 2022 Economics Study Program Development Study Forum discussed material on "Rethinking relief, reconstruction, and development: A socio-economic perspective from Aceh experience in post-Tsunami 2004" where this time the first speaker was Dr. Saiful Mahdi, S. Si, M.Sc from Syiah Kuala University, Aceh, followed by material on "Disaster Index Insurance in Indonesia" by the second speaker, Professor Budy P. Resosudarmo from Australian National University, then material on "Issues and Strategies for Bali's Economic Recovery During a Pandemic Period COVID-19” by the third speaker, namely Dr. I Nyoman Mahaendra Yasa, SE., M.Si, from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University.

The purpose of holding the 2022 Development Study Forum is so that participants can find out new information that can be obtained to be able to consider disaster as a variable in the economy in order to increase the resilience of the community in overcoming its impacts.