Economics Undergraduate Study Program FEB UNUD Conducts Evaluation Activities Student Study Progress

In connection with the study progress of the students of the Economics Study Program FEB UNUD who have exceeded the normal study period, the Bachelor of Economics Study Program FEB UNUD carries out an Evaluation of Student Study Progress for students who have entered the Red Zone study period (Class of 2015) and Orange Zone (Class of 2016) The Evaluation of Study Progress for Economics FEB UNUD Undergraduate Students was held on Friday, February 18, 2022, 10.00 – 12.00 WITA at BI Building 3rd Floor FEB UNUD which was opened by the Coordinator of the Economics Undergraduate Study Program FEB UNUD Mrs. Dr. Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari, SE., M.Sc. This activity is carried out regularly every year to monitor the progress of student study progress in accordance with determined indicators, not only from the study period, but also the minimum number of credits and GPA of students in the Economics Study Program.



The activity was attended by the Committee for the Evaluation of Student Study Progress as well as 16 students from the 2015 batch and 6 students from the 2016 class. The agenda discussed in the activity were 1. Obstacles and constraints faced by students in completing their studies and the solutions offered by the study program. 2. The study period for Class 2015 students (red zone) is no later than the Even Semester 2021/2022, namely July 31, 2021, and July 31, 2023 for Class 2016 students (Zone Orange)



All students who attended showed high enthusiasm in responding to faculty policies and said they would adhere to the given timeline by improving coordination and communication with supervisors and the Bachelor of Economics Study Program FEB UNUD