FMIPA Regular Morning Briefing at the end of January 2022, before the Even Semester lectures begin

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University routinely carries out Morning Apple activities which are carried out online through the Cisco Webex application, Monday (31/1/2022). The Morning Appeal was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean, Chair of the Senate, leaders, lecturers, and staff in FMIPA UNUD.


As the coach in this morning's rally is the Dean of FMIPA Unud, Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, Ph.D. who in her mandate reminded the lecturers who were present that the Lecturer Performance Load (BKD) was filled until January 31, 2022, by using a new feature, namely Electronic Signature (TTE) whose implementation was still the same as manual signing starting from the lecturer, study program coordinator, and finally by the Dean. Furthermore, Watiniasih asked all lecturers in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to immediately update/update the RPS for the courses they teach so that they are OBE-based by prioritizing Case Base Learning (CBL) and Project-Based Learning (PBL) as stated in the workshop on Making RPS based on OBE which was held on Friday, January 27, 2022, so that the lectures which started on February 2, 2022, can already apply OBE-based learning.


Regarding International Accreditation, Watiniasih hopes that the study program within the FMIPA environment can immediately prepare for international accreditation. All study programs are expected to immediately carry out an international accreditation process, not only for study programs that have obtained A or Superior accreditation status.


This morning's apple was closed with Watiniasih's invitation to all ceremony participants to always pray to God Almighty so that the entire Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences academic community is always in His protection, considering that the development of the Omicron covid case is currently increasing. Hopefully, the lectures that are planned to be held offline can be carried out well and smoothly with strict health protocols.