Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University Held a Competency Examination of the Veterinary Professional Study Program in Collaboration with DitbelmawaKemdikbudristek

Denpasar –Twenty-nineparticipants who were divided into 2 sessions took the Competency Examination of the Veterinary Professional Education Program (CEVPEP) by CBT held by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University (FVM) in collaboration with with Ditbelmawa (Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs) Ministry of Education Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek), on Saturday (29/01) in Denpasar 

Present on this occasion Dr. drh. Rimayanti, M.Kes. from Airlangga University as the Central Supervisor, Prof. Dr. drh. I Made Dwinata, M.Kes. as the Coordinator of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University Local Committee. Also present were the leader of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University represented by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. drh. I GustiNgurahSudisma, M.Si.


"Because this examination still new, the supporting facilities for the test room, such as computers and test rooms, still need to be improved according to the standards of the CEVPEP National Committee. The capacity of the test room can only accommodate 20 participants because of the COVID-19 that makes room capacity only allowed 50% from maximum capacity, so it takes 2 sessions considering that there are currently 29 participants.” said Dr. Sudisma.

The Veterinary Competency Examination for this period was held simultaneously at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University, Brawijaya University and Veterinary Medicine Study Program of Padjadjaran University. This Veterinary Competency Examination is a mandatory activity that must be passed by Veterinary Medicine students before they can graduate as Veterinarians.

“The Veterinary Competency Examination went smoothly. This can be realized because of the support from the leader of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University, good cooperation from the local committee and central supervisor, as well as cooperation from the participants. All SOPs that have been determined by the CEVPEP national committee have been fulfilled. Perhaps what needs to be increased is the capacity of the computer laboratory. It is still possible to administer the exam in 2 shifts, but if it can be held in 1 shift it will be much better. In the future the number of participants will continue to increase. Multiple workstations can make exam time more efficient. It is hoped that there will be a partition between computer in the future.” said Dr. Rimayanti.

Participants were very enthusiastic about taking the CEVPEP exam. The CEVPEP implementation is carried out online at the Faculty of Veterinary MedicineUdayana University computer lab using a centralized Computer Based Test (CBT) system coordinated by the command center in Jakarta. The implementation of CEVPEP in the Faculty of Veterinary MedicineUdayana University computer laboratory is carried out by implementing a strict Health protocol.


“The online system used has been running very well, including software and hardware equipment. However, some participants felt that the questions were still very difficult because there was no syllabus related to what would be tested. We hope to graduate with satisfactory marks.” said Ade HaryWiweka and DewiFebriani, after completing the test. 

"Previously, the veterinary competency test was conducted after the students graduated or were sworn in as veterinarians and carried out by the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA) as the organizer," said Prof. Dr. drh. I Made Dwinata, M.Kes. as the Coordinator of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University Local Committee.

Meanwhile, currently students are required to pass a competency exam before graduation or better known as the Exit Exam with the organizer being the Ditbelmawa of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.