Archeology, Old Javanese Literature and Balinese Literature Study Programs of FoH Unud Discusses Collaboration Plans with the Arsari Djojohadikusumo Foundation

Three study programs at the Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University (FoH Unud), namely the Archaeology, Old Javanese Literature and Balinese Literature study programs, accepted an invitation from the Arsari Djojohadikusumo Foundation (YAD) in an online meeting to discuss cooperation plans. The meeting was held on Wednesday, July 3 2024.

Collaboration between FoH Unud and YAD has been established since 2021, implemented by the Archeology Study Program at FIB Unud, one of which is through the Indonesian Integrated Archaeological Research (PATI) activities and chaired by one of the lecturers at the Archeology Study Program at Unud, Rochtri Agung Bawono, S.S., M. Si.

From the FoH Unud side, the meeting was attended by the Dean, Vice Dean I, Coordinator of the Archeology Study Program, Coordinator of the Old Javanese Literature Study Program, Coordinator of the Balinese Literature Study Program, Coordinator of FoH Cooperation Affairs Unit, PIC of the Archeology Study Program's Cooperation Affairs, as well as a number of lecturers from the three study programs. From the YAD side, the meeting was attended by the Deputy Chairman of YAD and her staff.

The Dean of FoH Unud, I Nyoman Aryawibawa, S.S., M.A., Ph.D., stated in the meeting that he, on behalf of FoH Unud, welcomed with great enthusiasm the plan to extend the collaboration between FoH Unud and YAD, which has been running with the Archeology study program. He also hopes that in the future, the collaborative activities that will be carried out by the two institutions will focus on tridharma activities which provide a platform for developing human resources, not only in the Archeology study program, but across study programs.

"We are of course grateful to YAD for once again opening up the opportunity to extend cooperation, continuing cooperation with us, which was previously carried out productively with the Archeology study program. We hope that in the future, the collaboration we have can become a forum for human resource development, not only in the Archeology study program, but across study programs, with other study programs that we have," said Aryawibawa, Ph.D.

During the meeting, the Old Javanese Literature and Balinese Literature study programs at FoH Unud had the opportunity to explain the cooperation plan to YAD. The two study programs propose to collaborate in the field of ancient manuscript studies.

Prof. Dr. Drs. I Nyoman Suarka, M.Hum., Coordinator of the Old Javanese Literature Study Program, in his presentation offered YAD to collaborate in preserving Lontar Manuscripts with religious nuances as the nation's cultural heritage. Specifically, Prof. Suarka mentioned that collaborative activities that could be carried out included (1) Lontar translation, from Balinese script to Latin letters, (2) Translation, from Kawi and Balinese to Indonesian, (3) Lontar studies, (4) Lontar Publication, (5) Lontar Digitization, (6) Lontar Conservation, and (7) Lontar Procurement.

In line with the Old Javanese Literature Study Program, the Coordinator of the Bali Literature Study Program FIB Unud, Drs. I Ketut Ngurah Sulibra, M.Hum., also stated the readiness of his study program to collaborate in palm oil study activities, especially those with a water nuance.

Deputy Chair of YAD, Sitie Indrawati Djojohadikusumo, on this occasion welcomed the offers of cooperation submitted by these study programs. According to her, the idea of ​​cooperation is in line with the programs that her foundation has been running.

"We feel that what has been conveyed by the Study Program Coordinators is very in line with what we hope for and with the programs we run at the foundation. I think we have agreed to continue collaborating on PATI activities and ancient manuscript studies such as those offered by the Old Javanese Literature and Balinese Literature study programs. Apart from these two activities, we can also facilitate collaboration in other fields such as internships and visiting professors, considering that we also have various networks with BRIN and other universities in Indonesia," concluded Indrawati Djojohadikusumo.

During the meeting, both parties agreed to design cooperative activities, both for long and short term, for the next five years and set them out in a cooperation agreement document (MoA). Both parties also agreed to coordinate further with each other to prepare the necessary cooperation documents. (nm)