The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unud carries out benchmarking activities for collaboration and implementation of the MBKM program

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unud carries out benchmarking activities for collaboration and implementation of the MBKM program, as well as for preparation for ASIIN international accreditation to Malang State University and Brawijaya University on 23 and 24 November 2021.

The Unud FMIPA team consisting of the Dean, WD 1, WD2, WD 3, Head of the Cooperation Unit, Biology Study Program, KTU and Treasurer were received at the Dean Building of FMIPA UM by the Dean of FMIPA UM Prof. Dr. Hadi Suwono, M.Sc. who was accompanied by the Deputy Deans, Heads of Departments and Secretary of Departments within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang. At the meeting, discussions were held on the implementation of MBKM for student exchange including curriculum and course conversion, as well as sharing related to the implementation plan of the Community Service Program in developing villages. Much was also discussed about the stages of preparation for ASIIN's international accreditation, especially on curriculum and laboratory standards. During the visit to UM, a review of laboratory facilities and other supporting facilities was also carried out according to the standards set by the ASIIN international accreditation agency. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang (UM) has received international accreditation from the ASIIN institution on October 6, 2021.

At Brawijaya University, the Dean of FMIPA Unud was accepted by the Dean of FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya Prof. Widodo, SSi., MSi accompanied by three deputy deans and the FMIPA UB Cooperation team in the MIPA Center Building, FMIPA UB. On this occasion, it was discussed about opportunities for cooperation in foreign student programs, the working mechanism of MBKM, especially the conversion of courses, and also the entrepreneurship program that has been implemented by both parties. The Dean of FMIPA UB also opens an offer to facilitate further studies in the Postgraduate Program of FMIPA UB. FMIPA Unud itself has signed a Cooperation Agreement in the fields of Tri Dharma of Higher Education, Human Resources Improvement and Empowerment, and Student Exchange in the context of the MBKM program with FMIPA UB on March 1, 2021. With this visit, it is hoped that more collaboration activities will be realized to improve quality and quality of resources on both sides.

On December 26, 2021, the Dean of FMIPA Unud received a visit from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember in the meeting room of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unud Dean Building, on the Bukit Jimbaran Campus. The visit from the University of Jember led by the Dean of FMIPA Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc, Ph.D and accompanied by WD 1, WD2, and WD 3 FMIPA UNEJ were received by the Dean of DMIPA Unud Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, MSc.,PhD. accompanied by the deputy deans, the Biology, Physics, and Informatics study program, as well as the Head of the Unud FMIPA Cooperation Unit. At the meeting, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between FMIPA Unud and FMIPA Unej in terms of Education Implementation and Student Exchange Implementation in the context of the Independent Campus Independent Learning program, Research, and Community Service. Prior to the signing of the PKS, benchmarking activities were carried out for the implementation of the MBKM program on both sides, and various opportunities for cooperation activities that could be carried out were discussed to improve the quality and quality of resources and graduates of both parties.