Strengthening Collaboration: FMIPA and Kimia Farma Forge Education and Human Resource Development Cooperation

Jimbaran, February 6, 2024 - The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Udayana University and the Business Unit of Kimia Farma convened for a meeting to discuss the draft Cooperation Agreement (PKS), which will serve as the foundation for their collaboration. Dr. Ngurah Agus Sanjaya, ER, S.Kom, M.Kom, the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning at FMIPA UNUD, along with Dr. Apt. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Dewantara Putra, S.Farm, M.Sc, the Coordinator of the Pharmacist Professional Program at FMIPA Unud, stressed the importance of mutual understanding between both parties. This shared perception is crucial to avoid potential future discrepancies. In this partnership, both Udayana University and the partnering entities must agree and sign a contract as the initial legal step.

The discussion on the PKS also centered on concrete actions and future implementation plans. The primary objective is to incorporate the signed PKS into the Main Performance Indicators (IKU), a significant aspect of community service initiatives and the Campus-Based Internship Program (MBKM) with a duration of 6 months. Additionally, the meeting addressed the importance of post-graduation follow-ups with students. It is essential to conduct effective tracer studies to monitor their progress and success in securing employment.

Danang Tjandra A, the representative from Kimia Farma, expressed their enthusiasm for the collaboration. They have previously collaborated with UNUD Hospital, and graduates from the Pharmacy Department at FMIPA UNUD have made significant contributions to Kimia Farma, with many of them being among the top graduates. Moreover, the opportunity for graduates to join and work at Kimia Farma in the future is an exciting prospect.

This meeting underscores the strong commitment of both parties to enhance mutually beneficial and sustainable cooperation in education and human resource development. With the agreement reached, it is expected that this collaboration will bring greater benefits to both parties and society at large.