Increasing Interest in PPK Ormawa and P2MW Participants, BKM Unud holds Socialization and Talent Networking at FP Unud

On Friday afternoon, January 26 2024, at the Senate Meeting Room of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, the Udayana University Student Affairs Bureau (BKM) collaborated with the Entrepreneurship Development Unit (UPK) to hold socialization activities for the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK-Ormawa) and the Student Business Development Program (P2MW) . This activity was attended by no less than 60 people from all the Unud Faculty of Agriculture (OKFP) organizations consisting of functionaries from the Student Executive Board (BEM), Student Representative Council (DPM), Student Press Institute (LPM)-Khlorofil, Agribusiness Student Association (Himagri) , Agroecotechnology Student Association (Himagrotek) and Landscape Architecture Student Association (Himarskap). Apart from that, OKFP accompanying lecturers were also present at the event which was held for 2 hours.

On the occasion of the welcome speech, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, FP Unud, Dr. I Made Sukewijaya welcomed the presence of the Socialization Team because its presence in all faculties within Unud would provide a more complete understanding because the material presented could be discussed in two directions. This form of socialization also opens up space for more intense discussion on the program that will be held because what is presented is an introduction to the program and the achievements that have been achieved by Unud to date, specifically on the two activities or programs being socialized.

The Socialization Team which presented Dr. Putu Sutramiani and Wayan Sri Sutari from UPK BKM invited and motivated the participants to immediately start making proposals related to the two programs offered by BKM. Many opportunities for achievement can also be created from this event because its prestige will be equal to that of PIMNAS activities because at the national level these two activities are carried out in the form of Abdi Daya activities which in the coming years will certainly have an even wider impact. On that occasion, it was also stated that assistance by BKM would continue to be provided so that the proposals to be competed were truly successful in obtaining funding and at the same time being successful in the national competition in this field. Viva Faculty of Agriculture Unud! (IMS)