FMIPA Collaborates with the Udayana University Bureaucratic Reform Working Team to boost the development of the Integrity Zone

Bukit Jimbaran, January 23 2024 - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Udayana University collaborates with the Udayana University Bureaucratic Reform Working Team in building an Integrity Zone in the faculty work unit. The event was opened directly by the Dean of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, Prof. Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M. Sc, Ph. Yanti, S.S. - Administration Subdivision, TU, RT and HTL Section, Udayana University HTL General Bureau.

The mentoring who also attended by the entire ZI FMIPA Development team members  discussing 2 important points, namely reporting related to the Integrity Zone and the Integrity Zone Evaluation Performance Report (LKE). The Integrity Zone Report needs to be prepared and reported on February 16 2024. The things that need to be confirmed in this report are: Faculty profile, Integrity Zone declaration, Integrity Zone work team, Integrity Zone progress, superior services, and agents of change. Wawan emphasized that "the agents of change should be lecturers and education staff so that it is not only lecturers who are agents of change. Because the Integrity Zone consists of components of the faculty's academic community."

The Integrity Zone LKE session outlines four minimum criteria that must be met by the Integrity Responsible Person (PIC) in each Faculty. These criteria include filling out the LHKPN, following up on external findings, increasing the achievement of Key Performance Indicators (IKU) every year, and assessing the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) at a minimum of B.

Wawan, in presenting his input, said that in (1) management of the change area, there are several steps that can be taken, namely preparing an Integrity Zone development plan, launching an action plan, using social media and promotional materials for socializing the Integrity Zone in the Faculty. (2) Management of the governance area includes revising SOPs, creating service standards, preparing business process maps, and evaluating SOPs at least once a year. (3) Management of the apparatus HR management system area focuses on workload analysis, submitting employee needs, internal transfers, competency development, and giving awards. Meanwhile (4) the management area of strengthening accountability emphasizes collecting evidence and supporting documentation, as well as sharing work achievements with leaders and stakeholders, (5) in the management area of strengthening supervision, the appointment of SPI members as the internal supervisory unit of Udayana University has been implemented, so it is hoped that supervision can be strengthened . Finally (6) in the management area of improving the quality of public services, Wawan hopes that public service announcements must be made, published and implemented by all faculty stakeholders. This service standard is reviewed and monitored at least once a year. Don't forget to convey that all field service satisfaction survey reports are uploaded to the faculty website.

Meanwhile, at the Dikti inspiration survey point, faculties are required to carry out surveys to a minimum of 10 respondents every month. Respondents can come from lecturers, staff, students and faculty stakeholders. What is no less important than this survey is the follow-up. Following up on survey results is one way to improve services to the MIPA faculty community and stakeholders.

The meeting was closed by the Dean at 12.30 WITA, with the hope that this guide can become a reference for managers in each area of change. The process of inputting LKE documents emphasizes follow-up to monitoring and evaluation results, as well as the results of reviews of SOPs and services that previously existed at the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty. All of these efforts aim to ensure that FMIPA Udayana moves towards a better Integrity Zone.