Udayana FMIPA Pharmacy Study Program Held a Short Lecture to Welcome the Rajawali Bandung Health Institute

Bukit Jimbaran, January 17 2024 - Udayana University Pharmacy Study Program (PS) held a short lecture to welcome the visit of the Bandung Rajawali Health Institute. The activity which aims to strengthen collaboration between the two institutions in the fields of education and research began with remarks from the Coordinator of the Udayana Pharmacy Study Program, Dr. Apt. Eka Indra Setyawan, S.Farm., M.Sc., who welcomed the arrival of the Rajawali Health Institute at FMIPA UNUD. Next, Apt. Ani Heriani, S.Farm., M.Farm as a representative of the Rajawali Health Institute, expressed her gratitude and great appreciation for the opportunity to visit which was welcomed with short lectures and collaboration exploration.

After remarks from the two institutional representatives, it was continued with the presentation of material on Forensic Pharmacy by Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Drs. I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta, Apt. M.Sc. one of the FMIPA Pharmacy lecturers who is also a pharmaceutical forensics expert. The event, which was held at the 3rd floor of the Dean's Building of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is expected to provide in-depth insight into the latest developments in the field of Forensic Pharmacy.

The question and answer session became an interactive momentum between speakers and colleagues from the Rajawali Health Institute, where various interesting questions regarding Forensic Pharmacy were discussed in depth.

After the short lecture, it was continued with a profile of the Udayana Pharmacy Study Program by the Head of the Pharmacy Study Program, Dr. Apt. Eka Indra Setyawan, S.Farm., M.Sc. After presenting the FMIPA UNUD pharmacy profile, Apt. Ani Heriani, S.Farm., M.Farm, replied presenting the profile of the Rajawali Health Institute Pharmacy Study Program. These two presentations aim to share information and understand more about the potential and focus of development of each study program.

The short lecture event closed with the presentation of a plaque as a memento from the Udayana Pharmacy Study Program to the Rajawali Health Institute Pharmacy Study Program. This is a symbol of the commitment of both institutions to maintain and strengthen the existing cooperative relations.